Often when we think about healing ourselves, we first think about our emotional or mental self - then our physical body.
We rush to a psychiatrist, or doctor - hoping for relief, a cure, or a fix for all of our problems...
for a magical pill that will take it all a way.
It is this "dis-ease" within ourselves that causes the turmoil in our outer world.
Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually - if we are not okay with ourselves on the inside, we will manifest this into our external reality and we will probably not like the results.
The majority of us have created a bubble around us, protecting us from hurt and pain that we have experienced or from things we don't want to face.
We pretend that we are happy with our life, our job, our spouse and the circumstances that surround us - when in fact, deep down we are wishing for something different.
When we are confronted about who we are, how we are, or about the problems that are clearly evident in our world - we just don't want to hear it.
We get angry, we cry, we plug our ears and we say LALALALALALALA...
"I can't hear you".
We protect the bubble as if it is who we are, as if our safety, sanity and sanctity depends on it.
There is no way we can allow anyone to burst our bubble and if for some reason they do, we feel exposed and vulnerable.
The truth is that those feelings are always there, we've just become so good at living in our bubble that they aren't noticed by us most of the time.
When these feelings do "pop up" and become a problem, we sometimes attempt to cover them with alcohol or drugs - or any addiction that helps us avoid them.
The biggest problem with this type of behaviour (besides risk to our health) is that we are denying the very essence of who we are - we are suffocating ourselves with our painful experiences, instead of facing them.
We refuse to let go of all the hate, anger and sadness that sits inside of us, and this is what is killing us! We need to let go of all the negativity and begin to forgive those who have hurt us - and more importantly we need to forgive ourselves.
I guess the reason I can write about this with such knowledge is because I have been living in a bubble for many years now.
I have been denying who I really am at the core of my being because I wanted to protect her.
It is in this protecting of myself that I have completely lost touch with that part of me, I have lost touch with the people around me and subsequently I have allowed someone else to live my life for me.
I have been denying what I really want, and need because I haven't been present to get what the deepest part of my being really needs.
And that is Love.
We have to learn love ourselves, completely and honestly - despite everything that we have experienced.
We are worthy of love! Why am I so sure you ask? Because we are made from this Love.
Some Great Force that sits in the very centre of all of us, created everything that we could ever need from an Unconditional, Unbiased Love.
This Love is Ours, but we will never experience it while we are denying the very truth of who we are, while we are trapped in the very bubble that we have created in order to keep us safe.
We can not heal until we know who we truly are; and that is the person that is past all of the pain, experiences, labels and ideas of who we are that are limiting to our being.
It's time to burst the Bubble of Illusion and heal our lives!
We rush to a psychiatrist, or doctor - hoping for relief, a cure, or a fix for all of our problems...
for a magical pill that will take it all a way.
It is this "dis-ease" within ourselves that causes the turmoil in our outer world.
Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually - if we are not okay with ourselves on the inside, we will manifest this into our external reality and we will probably not like the results.
The majority of us have created a bubble around us, protecting us from hurt and pain that we have experienced or from things we don't want to face.
We pretend that we are happy with our life, our job, our spouse and the circumstances that surround us - when in fact, deep down we are wishing for something different.
When we are confronted about who we are, how we are, or about the problems that are clearly evident in our world - we just don't want to hear it.
We get angry, we cry, we plug our ears and we say LALALALALALALA...
"I can't hear you".
We protect the bubble as if it is who we are, as if our safety, sanity and sanctity depends on it.
There is no way we can allow anyone to burst our bubble and if for some reason they do, we feel exposed and vulnerable.
The truth is that those feelings are always there, we've just become so good at living in our bubble that they aren't noticed by us most of the time.
When these feelings do "pop up" and become a problem, we sometimes attempt to cover them with alcohol or drugs - or any addiction that helps us avoid them.
The biggest problem with this type of behaviour (besides risk to our health) is that we are denying the very essence of who we are - we are suffocating ourselves with our painful experiences, instead of facing them.
We refuse to let go of all the hate, anger and sadness that sits inside of us, and this is what is killing us! We need to let go of all the negativity and begin to forgive those who have hurt us - and more importantly we need to forgive ourselves.
I guess the reason I can write about this with such knowledge is because I have been living in a bubble for many years now.
I have been denying who I really am at the core of my being because I wanted to protect her.
It is in this protecting of myself that I have completely lost touch with that part of me, I have lost touch with the people around me and subsequently I have allowed someone else to live my life for me.
I have been denying what I really want, and need because I haven't been present to get what the deepest part of my being really needs.
And that is Love.
We have to learn love ourselves, completely and honestly - despite everything that we have experienced.
We are worthy of love! Why am I so sure you ask? Because we are made from this Love.
Some Great Force that sits in the very centre of all of us, created everything that we could ever need from an Unconditional, Unbiased Love.
This Love is Ours, but we will never experience it while we are denying the very truth of who we are, while we are trapped in the very bubble that we have created in order to keep us safe.
We can not heal until we know who we truly are; and that is the person that is past all of the pain, experiences, labels and ideas of who we are that are limiting to our being.
It's time to burst the Bubble of Illusion and heal our lives!