If you want to keep away from financial crisis and want to live a peaceful and trouble free like then the first step that you must consider is planning your monthly budget based on your stipend. Financial planning is a key for avoiding extra use of money. Spending some time to planning a budget is advantageous over living a life with difficulty even when you have good monthly income.
But what you are lacking is how to spend the money. Somewhere, you spend lots of money and when it comes to spending money where you really need, then you have either fewer amounts or no amount. To keep you away from such a dilemma, a budget should be planned. Do not worry - planning a budget is not so horrifying. Only a few things need to be taken care. Here, I tell you what you need to think about when creating budget.
* Create a list: Sit at ease, take a paper and pen, and start making a list of all source of your monthly income. Determine how much you are earning and what are your monthly expenses. When listing your monthly expenses pen down each expense individually. For example, expenses pertaining house rent, transportation, children study expenses, medical expenses, entrainment expenses, and expenses related to other household utilities. After you have made a list calculate that how much you are getting in hand and what is the sum of your monthly expenses. If after deducting the total monthly expenses from total monthly income, you see some money in your hand then it is fine otherwise, you need to cut some of your expenses.
* Reduce Expenses: If after listing all of your expenses, you will notice that whatever you are earning is just going in completing your monthly needs and you are not able to save any money then you need to manage your expenses. Savings are must for a better future; therefore, cut some of your expenses like entertainment, cell phone bills, etc.
* Determine Savings: Once you have calculated all of your expenses and the money that is in your hand after covering all expenses then it is the time to determine your savings. Now, you have to make a decision on how much you want to save and how you can save. You can keep the amount in your bank account or can take a fund for better interest rate.
By just following these three important points, you can plan an effective budget.
But what you are lacking is how to spend the money. Somewhere, you spend lots of money and when it comes to spending money where you really need, then you have either fewer amounts or no amount. To keep you away from such a dilemma, a budget should be planned. Do not worry - planning a budget is not so horrifying. Only a few things need to be taken care. Here, I tell you what you need to think about when creating budget.
* Create a list: Sit at ease, take a paper and pen, and start making a list of all source of your monthly income. Determine how much you are earning and what are your monthly expenses. When listing your monthly expenses pen down each expense individually. For example, expenses pertaining house rent, transportation, children study expenses, medical expenses, entrainment expenses, and expenses related to other household utilities. After you have made a list calculate that how much you are getting in hand and what is the sum of your monthly expenses. If after deducting the total monthly expenses from total monthly income, you see some money in your hand then it is fine otherwise, you need to cut some of your expenses.
* Reduce Expenses: If after listing all of your expenses, you will notice that whatever you are earning is just going in completing your monthly needs and you are not able to save any money then you need to manage your expenses. Savings are must for a better future; therefore, cut some of your expenses like entertainment, cell phone bills, etc.
* Determine Savings: Once you have calculated all of your expenses and the money that is in your hand after covering all expenses then it is the time to determine your savings. Now, you have to make a decision on how much you want to save and how you can save. You can keep the amount in your bank account or can take a fund for better interest rate.
By just following these three important points, you can plan an effective budget.