Question: Code a Custom ExtractBasePath Delphi Function
Challenge: a custom Delphi function, ExtractBasePath, should take 2 path names (directory or file) and should return the base / common path for the two paths provided.
The code is submitted for the ExtractBasePath Delphi Challenge
ExtractBasePath entry by Ivan Cvetkovic:
Explore the list of all accepted entries for ExtractBasePath Delphi challenge.
Challenge: a custom Delphi function, ExtractBasePath, should take 2 path names (directory or file) and should return the base / common path for the two paths provided.
The code is submitted for the ExtractBasePath Delphi Challenge
ExtractBasePath entry by Ivan Cvetkovic:
uses Math;function ExtractBasePath(const path1, path2 : string) : string; procedure SplitPath(Path: string; sl: TStrings) ; begin sl.Delimiter := PathDelim; sl.StrictDelimiter := True; sl.DelimitedText := Path; end; var sl1, sl2: TStrings; cnt: Integer; begin Result := EmptyStr;sl1 := TStringList.Create; try SplitPath(Path1, sl1) ;sl2 := TStringList.Create; try SplitPath(Path2, sl2) ;for cnt := 0 to Min(sl1.Count, sl2.count) - 1 dobeginif not AnsiSameText(sl1[cnt], sl2[cnt]) then Break; Result := Result + sl1[cnt] + PathDelim; end; finally sl2.Free; end; finally sl1.Free; end; end;
Explore the list of all accepted entries for ExtractBasePath Delphi challenge.