Business & Finance Finance

Money Merge Account - A Guide to an Early Mortgage Payoff

If you own a home or are interested in buying a home, you know that you will probably have to take out a mortgage to be paid over time, usually about 30 years.
In the end, the mortgage will cost you about twice as much as the purchased price of your property due to the interest paid over that time frame.
Since a home is usually the largest investment in your life, it makes sense to take out a mortgage.
However, financial experts have created a solution to the drain a mortgage has on your financial budget.
Their system can help you pay off your mortgage in about 8 to 11 years, saving you thousands of dollars.
The solution is the Money Merge Account.
MMA reduces the principal of the mortgage, thus lowering the interest accrued on the loan.
MMA uses your mortgage, an equity line of credit, and MMA software that calculates the highest interest rate savings in the smallest amount of time.
The line of credit uses an open-ended interest calculation and functions similar to a checking account.
So each time you deposit money into the MMA, it registers as a decrease to the mortgage balance, thus lowering the balance that interest accrues on, and increasing the payment that credits to your principal balance of your mortgage.
Besides allowing you an early mortgage payoff, MMA can help you with other needs as well oReducing monthly payments or consolidating other debts- By transferring other debts such as credit cards and personal loans, you can use the mortgage rate to lower your monthly payments.
Plus, you can create individual repayment plans for each debt to be paid off at the time you want.
oFunding a major purchase/saving for the future- MMA allows you to make a savings plan for your major purchase or future investments (car, boat, home improvement, planning for school, planning for maternity, or short term Christmas spending).
You can put money aside each month and still use the money to reduce your mortgage balance while you accumulate the lump sum by the date you desire.
The savings balance is available separately from the rest of the MMA balance.
Or you can borrow the money from the equity line of credit so you don't have to take out expensive personal loans, using the MMA low mortgage interest rate.
oBuying a second property oUsing an inheritance, bonus, or maturing investments to MMA oCoping with short-term ill health, unemployment, or moving jobs- MMA is useful for those who have a variable amount of income each month.
This can be due to ill health, unemployment, commission-based jobs, or young professionals who are slowly moving up the career latter.
It allows you to vary the money you apply to the MMA account so when you receive a bonus at work or have extra income, you can then apply it to your MMA account.
To start an MMA account, talk to an agent at United First Financial.
United First puts your financial goals in reach.
It always puts UFirst.
See how the MMA account can save you money and give you the financial flexibility you need.
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