We all know the immense benefits of installing solar panels containing photovoltaic cells with regards to generating energy for your home or business. Youll produce far less Co2 emissions, help to save the planet and youll save hundreds of pounds on electricity bills and protect yourself against energy prices that rise above the rate of inflation. You could even increase the value of your home by being green. Its definitely a commodity these days. The benefits listed above are just a few of the positive things youll experience.
However there is a lot of confusion with regards to how the technology works, this article will attempt to explain how panels containing photovoltaic cells convert raw sunlight into the kind of electricity that will heat your home and cook your food. The journey of the raw sunlight and how it becomes household electricity is an interesting one and is detailed below:
First of all, the silicone semiconductors in the pv panels absorb some of the light from the sun when it hits the panels. The energy of the light that has been absorbed is moved to the semi conductor, this means that the electrons from the light are released and are ready to go through the process of being conducted into electricity that can be used in the home.
The protons contained in the raw sunlight need to be removed. If they are not, they will impede energy generation.
The electrical energy converted via this process flows through the conversion system as a DC current. This kind of current is useless for powering the home. The DC current has to go through an inverter that will change it once again. This inverter than changes the DC current into an A/C current. This type of current is suitable for use in the home and is the standard current used in homes and business across the world.
This brand new generated energy then whizzes through the mains consumer unit and is connected to the electrical system of the home, ready to be used for whatever you want to use it for.
As you can see, the process is interesting and deceptively simple. If you would like to know more about how solar power can benefit your home and finances, feel free to Google pv solar, photovoltaic cells or photovoltaic cells.
However there is a lot of confusion with regards to how the technology works, this article will attempt to explain how panels containing photovoltaic cells convert raw sunlight into the kind of electricity that will heat your home and cook your food. The journey of the raw sunlight and how it becomes household electricity is an interesting one and is detailed below:
First of all, the silicone semiconductors in the pv panels absorb some of the light from the sun when it hits the panels. The energy of the light that has been absorbed is moved to the semi conductor, this means that the electrons from the light are released and are ready to go through the process of being conducted into electricity that can be used in the home.
The protons contained in the raw sunlight need to be removed. If they are not, they will impede energy generation.
The electrical energy converted via this process flows through the conversion system as a DC current. This kind of current is useless for powering the home. The DC current has to go through an inverter that will change it once again. This inverter than changes the DC current into an A/C current. This type of current is suitable for use in the home and is the standard current used in homes and business across the world.
This brand new generated energy then whizzes through the mains consumer unit and is connected to the electrical system of the home, ready to be used for whatever you want to use it for.
As you can see, the process is interesting and deceptively simple. If you would like to know more about how solar power can benefit your home and finances, feel free to Google pv solar, photovoltaic cells or photovoltaic cells.