Family & Relationships

The World Leader in Surrogacy Processes That Bless Couples

Surrogacy is the procedure by means of which a couple is able to become legal parents to a child that has been conceived by a surrogate mother. This surrogate mother acts in the manner of a carrier for the surrogate child. As per the traditional surrogacy, the mother can be the real mother of the baby. In this method the sperm may belong to the male partner of the couple who is looking for a child. The womb on the other hand, would be of the surrogate mother. Alternatively, in the gestational method the surrogate mother and the baby would not be related and the former will just act as a carrier for the latter.

Many countries have laws that deem surrogacy to be legal. Among these countries is India, and it is well known to be a good place for international surrogacy. Surrogacy in India was made legal in the year 2002. Also, in the year 2008 commercial surrogacy was also made a legal process. Under this law even parties that are unmarried and single have the right to become a surrogate parent. The established laws regarding surrogacy in India help in the smooth functioning of this system. The surrogate mother in no scenario has any claim over the child.

There are strict laws in place for fertility clinics in India, and this assures the visiting foreigners in completely trusting the whole surrogacy process. It is ensured that in no way are the child and surrogate mother related in order to avoid any kind of complications later. As mentioned before, the surrogate mother would not be the legal mother of the child. The party that needs the child would have to just pay for the surrogacy procedure and they would be able to become parents in time. It is a simple process that bears great results for everyone.

The cost of surrogate mother in India is much lower when compared to any other country that offers surrogacy to foreign couples. Even though surrogacy draws in millions of dollars in India, it is still a very affordable choice for most foreigners. The price of a successful surrogacy process is very manageable for almost anyone who wants to become a parent. The lower cost of the procedure is one point that is known to direct couples to India for the purpose of surrogacy. Another important reason is the sheer professionalism of the fertility clinics in India.

If you are someone looking for an international surrogacy option, and is not much of a problem then India is the answer for you. This process in India promotes the universal good that comes out of surrogacy. It is a win-win process for everyone including, the interested couple, the surrogate mother, the egg donor, the doctors and staff of fertility clinics as well as the medical tourism of India. The ultimate winners would be the couple who would be lucky to become the parents to a child, as they would be able to fulfill their cherished dream of becoming proud parents of their very own baby.
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