- 1). Clear out the site of all debris. Remove the old cement or asphalt if any exists because it will get in the way of any new asphalt installation.
- 2). Pour in new gravel and spread it over the area. Level the gravel out with rakes so a level bed of stone is created. Verify there are no pits or lumps in the gravel bed. Spread enough gravel so it extends over the sides of the path; otherwise, frame the edge with wood.
- 3). Use an asphalt mixer to prepare and heat up the asphalt. Pour the asphalt over the gravel in a thick layer. Check the asphalt doesn't pour thin. When finished pouring, pressure and layer the asphalt with a steamroller to produce a smooth surface.
- 4). Let the asphalt cool. Avoid having any vehicles on the asphalt until it has cured for at least three to four days. Check that the surface has smoothed correctly. Remove any wood framing if it was used. Paint the asphalt with the necessary markings for the project.