Health & Medical Mental Health

How to Overcome Grief

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      Take time for and autumn has come image by big from

      Give yourself time to heal. Grieving is a very individual process. According to the Hospice Foundation of America, some people express grief through anger, by experiencing guilt, or through feeling bouts of sadness or loneliness. Whether it takes a few weeks or months, it is essential to take the time you need to come to terms with your particular loss for your own emotional and physical well-being.

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      Allow yourself to feel.Santa was here! image by Renata Osinska from

      Allow your emotions to surface; don't suppress them. Feeling bereft after a loss is entirely natural and a necessary component of the healing process. Just as a physical wound needs nutrients to heal, fully expressed emotions bring the grieving individual through grief to the eventual state of peace and acceptance. According to Judy Tatelbaum, MSW, of the Hospice Foundation of America, "Expressing your feelings will help you heal, as feelings expressed disappear. Feelings repressed don't. So give vent to your feelings."

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      Seek professional help when needed.i have a pain right here doctor image by Peter Baxter from

      Confide in a counselor, minister or friend. Many times a loss brings with it an overwhelming sense of despair. In order to gain a better perspective, it might help to see a counselor or a minister to discuss what you are experiencing. If a dear friend is available, share your thoughts with her to help alleviate some of the stress you may be feeling.

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      A support group can help you feel less alone in your grief.Group of business people working together in the office. image by Andrey Kiselev from

      Join a support group. Often, when people experience a loss, they feel very much alone in their experience. Joining a support group may comfort you in the knowledge that you are not alone in what you are feeling. Funeral homes and hospitals often have affiliations with bereavement support groups, as do many faith communities. Reach out and share with those in similar circumstances.

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      Children and pets are mood changers.boy and his pet image by Renata Osinska from

      Develop a plan for coping with anniversaries or holidays, when you are likely to significantly feel the loss of your loved one. Realize that you can't recreate the past; make slight changes in your usual holiday traditions, just enough to honor your memories while recognizing the change in your life. Daily, try to live in the present moment as much as possible. Dwelling on the past will tend to remind you of your regrets or sense of loss. Dwelling on the future may cause anxiety.

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