Recession Mediocrity & Despair Vs Opportunity Innovation and Excellence.
For twenty years my father worked for someone else.
When he wasn't working I learned, he built an Aston Martin DB4 under candlelight in a shed with no power.
The story was amazing and despite a few embellishments I'm sure it was true.
Back in the sixties Dad was working in the sports and leisure industry, rising through the ranks so to speak until managing a busy store somewhere in East Anglia.
Bright eyed keen and full of energy he sought to own an Aston Martin DB4 but on a managers wage he knew he would have to buy something worn out and look to rebuild it in his spare time.
Scouring through the papers he found it! Eventually! and off he went to hand over a few thousand pounds for the shell of his masterpiece! A non runner ( of course) but the shell was pretty good along with most of the interior.
It sat right outside the shop under a tarpaulin waiting for the summer months.
Long nights of light would be needed as the Shed had no power and therefore no lighting! I always wonder at the power of the universe and how the hand of fate seems to have an incredibly long arm behind it.
Im getting ahead of myself.
A man walks into the shop and asks, "who owns the Aston outside?" My Dad ask's why and the gentleman asks him "is it for sale?" My Dad explains why he has bought it and the Shed situation, he also explains it will be a labour of love over a long time as he is planning on rebuilding the whole engine from scratch using a Haynes manual! If you have ever used a Haynes manual you will probably require a degree in hieroglyphics just to get started!.
They continue to chat a while and the gentleman leaves.
The Summer draws a little closer and my dad receives a call from the same gentleman.
"Hi, it's John, I popped in the other day about your Aston!.
" he explained "ok, how can I help you?" says Dad John goes on to explain he is a master technician for Rolls Royce and a lifelong ambition was and is to rebuild an Aston Martin from scratch.
He goes on to ask- "Could I be part of your project, I have recently retired and would absolutely love to be involved?" My Dad agrees but only on the condition that John shares his wealth of knowledge and teaches him along the way! "its a deal!" John Say's Together in the Shed John and my Dad toil on the labor of love and true to his word John provides the experience and teaches my Dad how and where to find the missing pieces, where they go and how you put them together.
Under paraffin lamps and candle light the project is transformed from a lumpy tarpaulin into a bright shiny Aston Martin DB4, the engine completely rebuilt fueled and ready for ignition.
If you have ever rebuilt an engine, this is the moment of truth!.
On the first turn of the key the engine burst into life, That day, that moment will live forever for John and my Dad, it's one of those stories they will talk about forever! Bouncing their grand kids on their knees and recounting the tale will be a source of pleasure long beyond the event itself, and I'm glad I have shared just a few moments of it with you.
Why do I share it in these troubled economic times? When John retired it was the start of another opportunity for him to fulfill a lifelong ambition.
Today hundreds maybe thousands of people just like John, master's of their trade, highly skilled, organized , and still burning with ambition are being 'let go', made redundant or their employers are closing their doors forever.
It's a gentle push, well maybe not so gentle, but it is an opportunity.
Take on the commitment to getting started in your venture, in your great enterprise, your teacher, mentor and ultimately your friend will appear.
Not to think so is naive, as sure as John appeared in my Dad's life.
You can argue about chance and good timing and a hundred other objections, but I know, and there's the key, I know that when the student is ready, when you reach out and open the door to opportunity, and take the chance, he or she will arrive!.
Take the time to visit your Shed and discover your dream, your contribution, your opportunity to deliver a story that will inspire cheer and live for ever, men in sheds rule! it's what makes Britain great! To as many stories as you can muster mister! Mark - YourNetBiz
For twenty years my father worked for someone else.
When he wasn't working I learned, he built an Aston Martin DB4 under candlelight in a shed with no power.
The story was amazing and despite a few embellishments I'm sure it was true.
Back in the sixties Dad was working in the sports and leisure industry, rising through the ranks so to speak until managing a busy store somewhere in East Anglia.
Bright eyed keen and full of energy he sought to own an Aston Martin DB4 but on a managers wage he knew he would have to buy something worn out and look to rebuild it in his spare time.
Scouring through the papers he found it! Eventually! and off he went to hand over a few thousand pounds for the shell of his masterpiece! A non runner ( of course) but the shell was pretty good along with most of the interior.
It sat right outside the shop under a tarpaulin waiting for the summer months.
Long nights of light would be needed as the Shed had no power and therefore no lighting! I always wonder at the power of the universe and how the hand of fate seems to have an incredibly long arm behind it.
Im getting ahead of myself.
A man walks into the shop and asks, "who owns the Aston outside?" My Dad ask's why and the gentleman asks him "is it for sale?" My Dad explains why he has bought it and the Shed situation, he also explains it will be a labour of love over a long time as he is planning on rebuilding the whole engine from scratch using a Haynes manual! If you have ever used a Haynes manual you will probably require a degree in hieroglyphics just to get started!.
They continue to chat a while and the gentleman leaves.
The Summer draws a little closer and my dad receives a call from the same gentleman.
"Hi, it's John, I popped in the other day about your Aston!.
" he explained "ok, how can I help you?" says Dad John goes on to explain he is a master technician for Rolls Royce and a lifelong ambition was and is to rebuild an Aston Martin from scratch.
He goes on to ask- "Could I be part of your project, I have recently retired and would absolutely love to be involved?" My Dad agrees but only on the condition that John shares his wealth of knowledge and teaches him along the way! "its a deal!" John Say's Together in the Shed John and my Dad toil on the labor of love and true to his word John provides the experience and teaches my Dad how and where to find the missing pieces, where they go and how you put them together.
Under paraffin lamps and candle light the project is transformed from a lumpy tarpaulin into a bright shiny Aston Martin DB4, the engine completely rebuilt fueled and ready for ignition.
If you have ever rebuilt an engine, this is the moment of truth!.
On the first turn of the key the engine burst into life, That day, that moment will live forever for John and my Dad, it's one of those stories they will talk about forever! Bouncing their grand kids on their knees and recounting the tale will be a source of pleasure long beyond the event itself, and I'm glad I have shared just a few moments of it with you.
Why do I share it in these troubled economic times? When John retired it was the start of another opportunity for him to fulfill a lifelong ambition.
Today hundreds maybe thousands of people just like John, master's of their trade, highly skilled, organized , and still burning with ambition are being 'let go', made redundant or their employers are closing their doors forever.
It's a gentle push, well maybe not so gentle, but it is an opportunity.
Take on the commitment to getting started in your venture, in your great enterprise, your teacher, mentor and ultimately your friend will appear.
Not to think so is naive, as sure as John appeared in my Dad's life.
You can argue about chance and good timing and a hundred other objections, but I know, and there's the key, I know that when the student is ready, when you reach out and open the door to opportunity, and take the chance, he or she will arrive!.
Take the time to visit your Shed and discover your dream, your contribution, your opportunity to deliver a story that will inspire cheer and live for ever, men in sheds rule! it's what makes Britain great! To as many stories as you can muster mister! Mark - YourNetBiz