Health & Medical Mental Health

Color Psychology and a Stained Glass Fireplace Screen - VIOLET (4 of 12)

PURPLE, PLUM, LAVENDER, PERIWINKLE, GRAPE, INDIGO, FUSCHIA, RASPBERRY, MAGENTA, MAUVE, MULBERRY, ORCHID Violet combines the satisfaction and harmony of blue with the passion and energy of red resulting in "things I've accepted and things I desire, must now become a functional reality in my life".
To sum up - Violet is identification, individual distinctiveness.
We identify ourselves with what gives us pleasure: sports, relationships, parties, philosophies, religion, cars, gardening, lure of the outdoors, etc.
Magical possibilities and connections are the realm of the color violet.
Violet and Purple are basically the same color, Violet is Purple with light shining through it, Purple is on a solid surface.
(Violet is the highest vibration of all the colors on the UV color spectrum.
) Of all the colors Violet has the broadest range of meanings, for simplicity they are broken down here into two main categories; Blue-Violet and Red-Violet.
BLUE-VIOLET Blue-Violet (Indigo) strongly leans towards a desire for tranquility, harmony and a need to connect to something greater than ourselves.
Some people call this spirituality or intuition.
Spirituality is the need to connect to something greater outside of ourselves.
Intuition is insight resulting from the internal communication with untaught non-inferential knowledge from something greater.
The calm, stable influence of blue combined with a little bit of red's need for triumphant possession creates a sensitive introspection seeking connection with a higher power.
This color is broadly used by humanitarians, psychics, truth seekers, religious authorities, faith based occupations and others seeking higher connections.
This color is very necessary in our lives as it gives us the sense that we are not alone, that we matter and what we do is important.
It gives us a sense of self and where we fit.
This often overlooked and underused color is vital to our wellbeing; be encouraged to fit more of it into your life! RED-VIOLET Red-Violet (Magenta) shows a reluctance to let go of "magical" expectations resulting in a subconscious effort to find a way to make those expectations real.
Red-Violet is a merging of sensitivity and a desire for intense excitement.
It becomes a symbol of "fantasy", of ignoring reality for an enchanted world where wishes come true, unicorns still exist and the impossible is possible.
This color leans more towards non-identity or "trying to find oneself".
The positive side of Red-Violet is an intuitive, sensitive understanding with depths usually reserved for intimacy, and can even become an erotic or sensual devotion.
The negative side is an unrealistic, instant gratification mindset.
Caution should be exercised as this leads to fence riding and irresponsible decisions.
This color is often chosen by people who want to be charmed and yet at the same time they want to amaze or astound others.
In fact, 75% of 1600 tested school children chose this color.
Research shows many inventors and scientists prefer this color.
Their eagerness on making the impossible possible is revealed by their preference for the color purple.
Their passion becomes the focus of their life work.
Red-Violet can also be found with groups of people who are rejected, excluded, shunned, ignored, prejudiced against, ostracized, outcast, etc.
Emotional fears compel them to form a fantasy world where they can shut out the causes of insecurity.
When I asked my 9 year old nephew what he felt when he thought of the color purple (Red-Violet), he said "it's the feeling I get about a minute after I've been scared.
" Red-Violet is the color his mind forms when he needs that safe haven where he is in control.
Blue-Violet combined with Yellow will help the insecure establish a firmer grip on self-confidence.
MAINTAIN BALANCE! Balance your life with equal portions of Red and Blue Violets.
Both are desirable.
Red-Violet inspires mental creativity.
Blue-Violet triggers intuitive connection.
Red-Violet cherishes our idealistic dreams - enchantment becomes reality.
Blue-Violet plugs in our intuition - connection to broader expectations.
Here are some ways to bring the Violets into your living space.
Blue-Violet in the bedroom will stimulate dreaming.
Dreams help our sub conscious deal with stresses and pressures.
Consider painting one accent wall in deep dark Blue-Violet, hang a tapestry in the center of it (for reflection or meditation) on rails of brass or gold tone, well lighted.
This draws your eye to substance while your peripheral is filled with the color of connection.
Red-Violet is a wonderful color for children.
It allows them to develop their imagination and broaden their knowledge base.
A Red-Violet stained glass ceiling light in their bedroom window will spread playfulness and delight.
It makes a great focal point as well.
Consider installing Blue-Violet textured wall tiles in an area where you read.
The tiles will act as a subtle subconscious reminder encouraging you to stretch your intuition.
Wherever you use Blue-Violet, make sure the lighting is adequate! 4.
Photographs framed in large mattes of Red-Violet add a splash of fantasy and daring, especially if hung diagonally.
Place on a dark wall for eye candy! 5.
Paint the inside of a niche Blue-Violet and it suddenly becomes an essential key element in the room.
Add lighting and a treasured heirloom, a touch of gold and your niche transforms into a contemplative source of inspiration.
Or hang a stained glass panel with shades of violet, backlit to highlight the stained glass.
"Ready to apply" (RTA) words, phrases or quotes, placed on the wall 3' off the floor in Red-Violet will lend an air of lighthearted whimsy to a boxy room.
It takes wainscoting to a whole different level and is a great ice breaker in the dining room! 7.
Blue-Violet grapes on a stained glass fireplace screen does double duty in front of a fire.
Firelight through the glass piques your psyche, fosters comfort and prepares your intuition for connection with others or a higher source.
It is also a fantastic centerpiece to your living room.
Looking at Red-Violet plates, bowls or napkins will get the creative juices flowing in the morning before school or work.
This display of Red-Violet is a bonus as they can be brought out or hidden in a cupboard.
Affirmations written in White on a Blue-Violet painted chalkboard will hold deeper significance to the subconscious and will zero in to touch the part of you wanting higher connections.
Red-Violet wall wash lights will create a surreal fantasy in your media room.
Alternate them with Blue or Blue-Violet for a 3D effect.
Texture the walls with pintucked velvet for character.
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