Business & Finance Corporations

Day Job Killer - Is Affiliate Marketing An Alternative To Your Day Job?

Is affiliate marketing using Pay Per Click with Google AdWords really a viable option to your day job? Yes definitely, but only if you have the right tools for the job.
Anyone with even a passing acquaintance with the Work At Home industry will know that it is plagued with hype.
Many items like courses and software that I have purchased myself which sounded brilliant in the sales letter turned out to be old ideas in a new package, or information readily available for free, or information just not worth the money I've paid.
It's a fact that when you pull out your credit card you are not really buying a product, you are buying the blurb in the sales letter.
More often than not the product doesn't live up to the hype.
So I've learnt to be cautious about the constant flood of new products.
But don't get me wrong.
If you want to make money working at home the surest way to do so is to pay an expert to teach you how.
In fact, for most of us, paying for information is the only realistic way to start making money fairly quickly.
However, I spent thousands of dollars on all sorts of ebooks and internet marketing courses before I found the really useful money making information.
If I had known what I know now when I started I would have purchased probably two or three internet marketing courses and the same number of ebooks.
The all up cost would still run into hundreds of dollars, but really, if you're serious about making money you've got to be ready to invest some.
Now, my favorite way of making money at home is affiliate marketing using pay per click (PPC) and Google Adwords.
In my opinion affiliate marketing with promotion by PPC is by far the best and most powerful way to start making money at home.
But at the same time, affiliate marketing is not easy, and the newbie most definitely needs a guide.
So if I was making a recommendation to anyone just starting out, I would advise buying the best Google AdWords and affiliate marketing ebooks that are available.
In my opinion, the list of outstanding ebooks that should be considered is very short, probably four at the most.
Anyone looking for a guide should do their research.
There are a number of reviews of these types of products available online.
However, the following factors should be considered before you invest in any guide.
Author's Credentials: if possible, find out something about the author of the guide you are considering.
There are certain established names in this business with reputations for knowing their stuff.
Now, there is no guarantee that a successful affiliate marketer will pass on his secrets to anyone.
It's rather unlikely.
In fact, in my opinion even the very best PPC and affiliate courses only reveal part of the total picture.
However, the better products available will give a good grounding in their subject.
You should most definitely consider purchasing products from more than one of the top authors if you can afford it.
This is the best way to get the most complete picture of the subject.
Purchaser's Level of Experience: no product that I know of covers the entire range of the PPC/Adwords subject.
Some of the ebooks available are definitely for advanced users only, and a beginner will be completely lost.
Once again, check those reviews to learn about the experiences of others who already own the guides in question.
However, a word of warning! PPC using Google AdWords can seriously burn you financially if you're inexperienced.
Study those reviews, invest in the best guide (or guides) you can afford.
Be sure to get a thorough grounding in the subject before you take the plunge..
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