Family & Relationships

Jogging with Kids: Things You Should Consider

As a parent, you may try to always have much time with your kids. If so, why do not bring them with you when you are jogging in the morning? Put your little kids on their jogging stroller, and get ready!

There are several things to consider if you plan to bring your kids with you in the next jogging activity, especially if they are still young. A jogging stroller is perfect equipment to keep your kids on, so you can care of them and do your own activity as well. However, you should always be aware of anything surround to make you two safe and comfortable.

You should ensure that your babies are old enough, or in this case, they are above six months old. It is just unsafe bringing fewer than six month old kids as it can danger their head and neck. You can choose a stroller with a car seat adapter because it will makes your baby's head and neck more stable.

Besides preparing stuff for yourself, you should also prepare stuff for your babies. Prepare some items like wipes, diapers, water, and snacks, and keep them in the basket under the jogging stroller. To entertain your babies during the run, you can bring their favorite toys.

Weather is just unpredictable. You better run only in short time if the day is too cold or too hot, and of course this is for your baby's good. Please ensure that you protect your babies with a sunscreen or visor, and do not let them overprotected. In contrast, you can use a weather shield for the stroller in cold and windy day, or bundle your babies with warm clothes.

During your run, do not ever think to take your hands off the stroller! It can be so dangerous for your baby as the stroller can get away from you. Do not run so fast if you are not so sure that you can stop the stroller when needed. Remember that you still have to control the stroller!

It will be good to choose roads where there are not too many vehicles passing by. You can choose parks or bike paths as the safest solution. You also have to follow the race rules since not all races allow jogging strollers. To know the rules, you can ask some runners.

To provide more entertainment, you can bring your kids to playground usually found in parks. Sitting on stroller may be so boring for them, so it will be good to provide them some refreshments, especially if your kids are in toddler or pre-school age. It also allows you to take a rest before continuing running. You can do this for about 15 minutes before packing them up and running back home.
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