Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Fish Aquaponics - Which Fish are Most Common

Any fish can be used in the fish aquaponics process; however, there are some freshwater fish that will be easier to cultivate than others. Before you make the final decision, do some research about the fish first to which will be going into your tanks. Criteria such as temperatures, general weather, types of feed and overall general conditions should be considered.

Many of the fish that do do well in a fish aquaponics system don't develop the same as others. In addition, some live just fine in a closed-tank system while others do not. In addition, some fish won't reproduce in a closed-tank. For these you will need a separate tank for fingerlings that you will need to purchase; these will restock your tank after a harvest.

Species Tilapia - This species is considered invasive; however, this species should be on your list. Tilapia can damage a natural habit of native fish so it you make all efforts to ensure that this breed does not enter the wild. Actually part of the Cichlid family, Tilapia will do very well in closed-tank systems as long as the water is maintained at minimum temperatures. They have a mild flavor and can be fixed in a number of different ways.

In addition to living happily as part of a fish aquaponics system, aquatic vegetation can be their primary food and can reproduce without issues. As a side note, the Tilapia that has reached the wild can mate with other Tilapia species and form a hybrid species.

Species White Bass - Originally from the mid-west, the White Bass are very tasty but is a carnivorous species. They will feed on smaller fish as well as small crustaceans. Typically cooked by a smoking process, it is easy to catch but you will need a separate tank for the nursery and fingerlings.

One individual White Bass can lay up to 900,000 eggs during any one spawning season. Once the eggs have been laid, the eggs are left on their own but not until after the male has fertilized the eggs. The average size is about 9 inches but can grow to about 15 inches.

Species Crappies - This species has a very delicate flavor and can adapt easily in fish aquaponics systems. Crappies are carnivorous and should be fed small fish or insects in a closed-system. Although there are many benefits to Crappies, the one major drawback is that it takes two years for a Crappy to be mature enough to mate and also to reproduce.

Once this species is mature enough, the female will lay her eggs while her mate is protecting the female and the spawning site. Ten days is all the fertilized eggs require to hatch naturally. Due to the time of maturity issue, you would need to have a separate tank to for restocking purposes after a harvest or have a quality supplier available when necessary.

Keeping fish can be a lot of fun, especially when your ultimate goal is to eat your rewards. Tilapia, White Bass and Crappies are 3 of the most common fish that are used in fish aquaponics systems.
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