Working from home is the ultimate dream.
Actually making money from home is another story.
If you have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, you know how difficult it is to start, pay attention to and finish anything let alone a home business project.
You do not need to have all of the symptoms of ADD to suffer greatly from it.
Some of the more common ones are: procrastination, staying focused, excessive multitasking, boredom, forgetfulness and disorganization.
Falling prey to these demons can ruin your home business.
Here are 3 suggestions on how to combat them.
#1 Never Work Tired Start your work time refreshed.
Work early in the morning if you are a morning person.
If you do better after 12pm, make sure you have had a healthy meal and a nap.
The more you push your tired brain, the slower it will run.
#2 Drink Lots of Water During the Day Get a water bottle and drink it down several times a day.
Don't wait until you feel thirsty.
By then it is too late.
You would have already started to feel distracted, tired or antsy.
Some of us are not used to drink water and do not recognize when we are dehydrated.
Start watering your body with a few sips every hour or so.
Pay attention to how you feel so you can increase or decrease the frequency.
#3 Create To-Do Cards for the Day Sometimes it's hard to create a to-do list and follow everything on it.
It can be overwhelming just looking at it and wondering how you will ever get all those things done today! Create index cards instead.
Make the task as small as possible so you do not intimidate yourself.
Take one card at a time and put the other cards somewhere out of your immediate view so you don't get distracted looking at them.
Give yourself a time limit to complete each task.
If you go over, reset your time and keep working.
When you are done, rip up the card and throw it away.
(It gives you a feeling of great satisfaction) I hope these simple little tricks will help you get more done.
Actually making money from home is another story.
If you have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, you know how difficult it is to start, pay attention to and finish anything let alone a home business project.
You do not need to have all of the symptoms of ADD to suffer greatly from it.
Some of the more common ones are: procrastination, staying focused, excessive multitasking, boredom, forgetfulness and disorganization.
Falling prey to these demons can ruin your home business.
Here are 3 suggestions on how to combat them.
#1 Never Work Tired Start your work time refreshed.
Work early in the morning if you are a morning person.
If you do better after 12pm, make sure you have had a healthy meal and a nap.
The more you push your tired brain, the slower it will run.
#2 Drink Lots of Water During the Day Get a water bottle and drink it down several times a day.
Don't wait until you feel thirsty.
By then it is too late.
You would have already started to feel distracted, tired or antsy.
Some of us are not used to drink water and do not recognize when we are dehydrated.
Start watering your body with a few sips every hour or so.
Pay attention to how you feel so you can increase or decrease the frequency.
#3 Create To-Do Cards for the Day Sometimes it's hard to create a to-do list and follow everything on it.
It can be overwhelming just looking at it and wondering how you will ever get all those things done today! Create index cards instead.
Make the task as small as possible so you do not intimidate yourself.
Take one card at a time and put the other cards somewhere out of your immediate view so you don't get distracted looking at them.
Give yourself a time limit to complete each task.
If you go over, reset your time and keep working.
When you are done, rip up the card and throw it away.
(It gives you a feeling of great satisfaction) I hope these simple little tricks will help you get more done.