- 1). Right-click the HTML file you want to edit. Click "Open With," then click the shortcut for your HTML editor to load the code in an editor.
- 2). Create a main div that contains all of your content. A main div that surrounds all the content lets you align the main page in the user's browser. For instance, you can center a page that does not have enough content to take up the entire window. Add the following div code directly after the "body" tag and place all of your HTML elements within this tag:
<div style="align: center"> </div> - 3). Embed additional div tags in the main div. You can use as many div tags as needed to format the content. For instance, the following code creates two sections for a page, the left navigation bar and the center content section:
Link One
Link two
<div >
Welcome to my page
</div> - 4). Save the content and open the HTML page in your Web browser. It may take you a few tweaks before you manage to lay out your Web page exactly how you want it to look in a user's browser. Review the changes and repeat these steps until you are satisfied with the HTML changes.