Health & Medical Mental Health

How to Control Panic Attacks

Everyone at one time the other has felt stressed out or anxious about something, but people who have panic attacks the problem is more serious. These attacks can have real physical symptoms, difficulty breathing, dizziness, trembling, abdominal pain are just a few of the symptoms. These symptoms can have crippling effects on people's lives and cutting down on them being productive in the workplace, interaction with people and also driving a car. This article will give you five methods to help control panic attacks.

1. Learn what triggers these attacks:
What triggers panic attacks in one person may not have any effect on someone else. Identifying certain situations that cause your panic attacks will help you deal with them and prepare for them.

2. Avoid anything with caffeine in it:
Products with caffeine have been known to trigger panic attacks. Caffeine being a stimulant seems to aggravate and bring on panic attacks.

3. Learn to relax:
Any kind of exercise that helps you relax such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises will help keep you calm and focused. A panic attack is just an overreaction to whatever triggered it. If you can learn to relax and stay focused you can stop this overreaction.

4. Getting enough rest:
Lack of proper rest can add to the stress and make you susceptible to panic attacks. Making sure you get enough sleep will help reduce the chances of triggering panic attacks.

5. A regular exercise regimen:
Exercising regularly helps increase energy, helps your self-esteem and helps you to stay relaxed. For these reasons exercise will definitely help keep the panic attacks in check.

In conjunction with the tips above many supplements on the market today can help you relax and reduce anxiety. The supplements are usually herbal and may require a psychiatrist to prescribe them for you. As always it is best to talk to a medical professional if you are trying to treat this condition.

Staying positive is also a major factor in controlling these attacks. In most instances these attacks manifest in your mind and are not real. Remembering another situation where you were able to cope with a panic attack will help reassure you and keep you composed. Try to remember to stay relaxed and calm and you will get through it. Hopefully these tips will help you deal with panic attacks. Overcoming the fear of these attacks is often the biggest hurdle in controlling panic attacks. Once this is achieved your panic attacks will be reduced significantly.
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