If you are a non-tech guy or gal and have good idea and money to invest on the mobile application development, particularly on the Android platform because Android alone has more than 50% share in the handheld devices market like smartphone and tablet so you can grab big chunk of audience to get some good ROI as well as spread your words around the globe.
In other scenario is you are a businessman and would like to take help of mobiles to enhance your productivity or get help in the growth of your business, but you don't know ABC of Android development. Now your problem is that how to deal effectively with Android developers or Android application development companies, outsourcing companies in particular in order to get most of them with quality and on the best prices.
There are many people involved into the dealing with the Android programmers and get exploited or end up with the Android application which is not at their expectations. Here I won't say anything how will you choose good company or like that, but I will give some familiarity with Android application development industry in simple and non-technical words.
The first thing is that you should know that Android app development is a part of mobile development and mobile programming is altogether different thing than that of web programming except mobile web app development which is based on browser so it is same thing as we do in web development. Here again some confusions like what mobile web apps are and how they differ from other.
Well, first of all we understand that what web development is. Internet brings data from the other centrally located computer/s called server and displays on the browsers thus desktop application is become different than the web application where desktop application doesn't use browsers and create their own APIs to show its UIs. The same principles are working on the mobile apps where desktop application is similar to the native mobile application and web app is same as the web app on the desktop except it is working on small browsers of the smartphones or tablets.
Now, let's get dive bit deep into the mobile world. Apple is creating handheld devices called iPhone as smartphone and iPad as tablet and they are running on iOS, an operating system, just like Windows or Mac on desktops. Google has supported the development of Android OS and leave hardware manufacturing on others or anyone can. Thus, there are lots of fragmentation/variations found in its hardware of smartphones and tablets.
This is the main point you have to understand when you opt for any sort of Android application development because creating all hardware compatible Android apps is really a challenging and daunting tasks for Android apps programmers. In such situations you should have some knowledge about the target audience of your app and which sorts of Android devices they may use the most so you can give some relief them and can good response from your target audience as your Android app programmer will do coding only for selected devices and can run exhaustive testing on them to make your app error free or can say bug free.
If I say about the mobile app development languages or technologies then it won't matter much for you but some understanding may help you. On iOS platform Objective C is main programming language while Android is Java based and have its own libraries as well as use latest libraries of Java. Windows Phone is running on Windows OS so it is based on Windows related languages like VB, C#, .NET, etc.
Here in our case Android is using Java which is so simple and proven programming language so you can find Android developers easily so you have vast choices to make some bargaining, albeit without sacrificing qualities. There are lots of development methodologies but let your developers to choose it and you only insists on time to market and quality of the app like usefulness, user experiences, easy operations, expected features and functionality, like the way that impact most on the either selling of your app or helping you in your businesses.
In other scenario is you are a businessman and would like to take help of mobiles to enhance your productivity or get help in the growth of your business, but you don't know ABC of Android development. Now your problem is that how to deal effectively with Android developers or Android application development companies, outsourcing companies in particular in order to get most of them with quality and on the best prices.
There are many people involved into the dealing with the Android programmers and get exploited or end up with the Android application which is not at their expectations. Here I won't say anything how will you choose good company or like that, but I will give some familiarity with Android application development industry in simple and non-technical words.
The first thing is that you should know that Android app development is a part of mobile development and mobile programming is altogether different thing than that of web programming except mobile web app development which is based on browser so it is same thing as we do in web development. Here again some confusions like what mobile web apps are and how they differ from other.
Well, first of all we understand that what web development is. Internet brings data from the other centrally located computer/s called server and displays on the browsers thus desktop application is become different than the web application where desktop application doesn't use browsers and create their own APIs to show its UIs. The same principles are working on the mobile apps where desktop application is similar to the native mobile application and web app is same as the web app on the desktop except it is working on small browsers of the smartphones or tablets.
Now, let's get dive bit deep into the mobile world. Apple is creating handheld devices called iPhone as smartphone and iPad as tablet and they are running on iOS, an operating system, just like Windows or Mac on desktops. Google has supported the development of Android OS and leave hardware manufacturing on others or anyone can. Thus, there are lots of fragmentation/variations found in its hardware of smartphones and tablets.
This is the main point you have to understand when you opt for any sort of Android application development because creating all hardware compatible Android apps is really a challenging and daunting tasks for Android apps programmers. In such situations you should have some knowledge about the target audience of your app and which sorts of Android devices they may use the most so you can give some relief them and can good response from your target audience as your Android app programmer will do coding only for selected devices and can run exhaustive testing on them to make your app error free or can say bug free.
If I say about the mobile app development languages or technologies then it won't matter much for you but some understanding may help you. On iOS platform Objective C is main programming language while Android is Java based and have its own libraries as well as use latest libraries of Java. Windows Phone is running on Windows OS so it is based on Windows related languages like VB, C#, .NET, etc.
Here in our case Android is using Java which is so simple and proven programming language so you can find Android developers easily so you have vast choices to make some bargaining, albeit without sacrificing qualities. There are lots of development methodologies but let your developers to choose it and you only insists on time to market and quality of the app like usefulness, user experiences, easy operations, expected features and functionality, like the way that impact most on the either selling of your app or helping you in your businesses.