Pain is one thing that can paralyze your daily routine work. When you notice any kind of ache that is persistent it is important that you get it checked immediately after noticing. One of the main sorts of pain that is experienced is the Chronic Regional Pain.
Chronic Regional Pain versus Failed back surgery
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome else known as CRP is a condition where the patient experiences chronic pain. This happens when the peripheral or central nervous system becomes dysfunctional. The symptoms of the patient with this condition are almost similar to a patient that has a nerve injury. On the other hand, failed back surgery is a condition where a patient experiences chronic pain in a particular area of the back or spine, especially after an unsuccessful surgery which can happen due to various reasons.
Symptoms of CRP
Patient who suffers the CRP syndrome can experience signs like pain that has a burning sensation while skin becomes extra sensitive. Also, skins color, texture or even temperature changes. One may also notice difference in the hair and nail pattern. They may experience problems in moving that particular part where CRP syndrome takes place. If a patient suffers and undergoes these symptoms, it is advised that they request Failed Back Surgery Treatment.
Treatment procedures
For the patient who is confirmed to be suffering from Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, can opt to undergo different treatments apart from another surgery. Example - The stem cell treatment is a procedure where an adult stem cell is deposited through a laser surgery on the area that is affected. Another treatment is an injection called spinal epidural steroid. The doctor may also recommend blocking the root of the nerve that is hurting very badly or even a stimulator for the spinal cord. There are also fusion alternatives available.
When a person experiences pain on a particular side or portion of the brain, it is called as cluster headache. People who experience this sort of problem undergo extreme pain. The actual cause for this yet to be known. A person suffering with this form of headache gets it at a particular time of the day and for a specific period.
The pain that cluster headache gives is greater than severe migraines. Sometimes the pain will travel through the same part of the area slowly. They may also experience pain around the temple of the eyes. Other symptoms may also include watering and redness of the eyes, running nose, sweating etc. The ache on either side of head can be highly agonizing and recurrence can be at regular intervals.
For people who are suffering with this cause can take an Epidural Steroid Injection. This injection provides some relief and has helped patients to feel less pain who undergo this problem. It helps to curb the pain to reach its peak. Depending on the kind of pain you are having as well as the duration of the headache, the doctor would advise you accordingly as to how many injections you would have to take and how often. This would be based on certain tests and X-RayâEUR(TM)s if your doctor feels it is necessary. The patient must refrain from harsh lights, loud noise, alcohol & tobacco consumption etc that can trigger the pain.
Administration of the injection
The Epidural Steroid Injection is generally administered in the body of the patient with the help of a small procedure. This injection is generally given on the lower back of the patient. There are two levels of the injection, one which is a short acting injection which works within a couple of days after the administration and the other is a long acting injection which works within a couple of days or weeks.
Chronic Regional Pain versus Failed back surgery
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome else known as CRP is a condition where the patient experiences chronic pain. This happens when the peripheral or central nervous system becomes dysfunctional. The symptoms of the patient with this condition are almost similar to a patient that has a nerve injury. On the other hand, failed back surgery is a condition where a patient experiences chronic pain in a particular area of the back or spine, especially after an unsuccessful surgery which can happen due to various reasons.
Symptoms of CRP
Patient who suffers the CRP syndrome can experience signs like pain that has a burning sensation while skin becomes extra sensitive. Also, skins color, texture or even temperature changes. One may also notice difference in the hair and nail pattern. They may experience problems in moving that particular part where CRP syndrome takes place. If a patient suffers and undergoes these symptoms, it is advised that they request Failed Back Surgery Treatment.
Treatment procedures
For the patient who is confirmed to be suffering from Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, can opt to undergo different treatments apart from another surgery. Example - The stem cell treatment is a procedure where an adult stem cell is deposited through a laser surgery on the area that is affected. Another treatment is an injection called spinal epidural steroid. The doctor may also recommend blocking the root of the nerve that is hurting very badly or even a stimulator for the spinal cord. There are also fusion alternatives available.
When a person experiences pain on a particular side or portion of the brain, it is called as cluster headache. People who experience this sort of problem undergo extreme pain. The actual cause for this yet to be known. A person suffering with this form of headache gets it at a particular time of the day and for a specific period.
The pain that cluster headache gives is greater than severe migraines. Sometimes the pain will travel through the same part of the area slowly. They may also experience pain around the temple of the eyes. Other symptoms may also include watering and redness of the eyes, running nose, sweating etc. The ache on either side of head can be highly agonizing and recurrence can be at regular intervals.
For people who are suffering with this cause can take an Epidural Steroid Injection. This injection provides some relief and has helped patients to feel less pain who undergo this problem. It helps to curb the pain to reach its peak. Depending on the kind of pain you are having as well as the duration of the headache, the doctor would advise you accordingly as to how many injections you would have to take and how often. This would be based on certain tests and X-RayâEUR(TM)s if your doctor feels it is necessary. The patient must refrain from harsh lights, loud noise, alcohol & tobacco consumption etc that can trigger the pain.
Administration of the injection
The Epidural Steroid Injection is generally administered in the body of the patient with the help of a small procedure. This injection is generally given on the lower back of the patient. There are two levels of the injection, one which is a short acting injection which works within a couple of days after the administration and the other is a long acting injection which works within a couple of days or weeks.