You'll find there are many articles advising people to start a business or get into a business but just how do you do that.
And how does a teenager with school, chores, weekend sport, and friends demanding time, do this? In many cases its quite simple and particularly if the a teenager chooses to work with something they are passionate about, but if hey are just looking to set up business for business sake they can also follow a simple 7 step method.
Now there are some details that need to tidied before anyone starts into any business.
It is important to invoke some control into some of your activities of questionable value.
The intention here is not to cease these activities, but to have some control so that they are a lesser priority than your business, and more importantly the things you need to do in your business.
So here is a list of 7 items which should be included into your routine.
1- Keep TV to a minimum, or cut out completely.
You could have one night for DVD's and maybe another night for 2 of your favorite programmes.
You decide what works for you.
2-Keep telephone time to minimum.
Including texting and emailing.
Schedule a time when you will read emails and tell friends when you are available for communication.
Naturally have some flexibility so you do not lose your friends.
3-If you are not working on your business go to bed early or earlier.
4-Wake up earlier.
You are far more productive in the morning and imagine what you can achieve between 5.
30 and 8.
5-Set up a weekly plan.
Break this in to days.
Follow religiously and tweak at the end of every week.
6- Prioritize.
Learn to do important things first - not urgent things.
Urgent things are often not important and add no value to your business.
With these you can..
If you can offload chores do so, and offload your unimportant urgent things.
Even if it costs you $5.
after all whats your time worth? Now that we have cleared those items, I can not stress how important they all are.
It is crucial that you set up the discipline necessary to ensure your ongoing success, and following these 7 items will help considerably.
Next are the 7 key steps to getting your business started.
Believe it or not this could be a 7 DAY plan, but thats up to you.
Follow these steps and you will have a business started in a very short space of time.
Step1: Work out what your passion is, or what might interest you.
If you start with your passion then you will be making the best decision you could ever make.
Many people have become extremely successful and naturally wealthy just by following their passion.
However if you have a problem working out what this is pick something you may be interested in as a business topic.
Talk it over with parents and get there input on how they see it working.
And I also recommend you talk to an "open minded" business person to get an independent opinion.
Step 2 Set up financial and business necessities.
Prepare your finances and set up bank accounts for your business.
You may even wish to talk to the bank manager and let him/her know what you are doing.
Also talk to an accountant (your parents may have one).
If you commit to one chances are they will have some software to help you track income and expenses - at no cost to you.
Set up your accounting system so that you are not messing with this down the track.
Decide on a company name and register your company.
There are different laws regarding this in different countries, but in most cases you will need to do this to set up you tax accounts.
You will also need to have this sorted for your marketing.
Some laws require your company number or your tax number to appear on marketing.
Step 3: Choose your key topic, product, or niche Have a look at your market and find a product or niche that the market is clearly looking for.
Once you have done this find and confirm a way that you can easily reach that market.
Again if you pick something you are really passionate about, it will make the whole task a lot easier and a lot more fun.
Spend some time doing some creative thinking.
Try to come up with 3 or 4 products or variations of the theme.
This increases the chances of coming to market with the right product.
Get together with friends to help brainstorm.
Step 4: Design your unique selling point.
Its important to distinguish your product from the competition and offer something truly desired by the customers, and by creating your unique offering, you can stand out from the crowd with your business.
Do some research on your typical customer, and determine what their needs and wants are.
If you can, find a way to interview some.
This way you can get a good understanding of their needs and tailor your offer to them.
I promise you your competition is unlikely to have interviewed any body.
It will make your product the best out of all products available.
Step 5: Set up your marketing campaign Determine how you will bring your product to your customer.
Your aim is to make your product visible to your market so that they know its there, and that they know why your product is different from the others.
Marketing consists of a number of elements and may include advertising (next step), product formulation, free offering, how to get the next sale after the first one, how to spread to other potential customers.
As an example you may set up a lawn mowing round.
You unique service is a free trimming along footpaths, and a guarantee of service quality.
You also offer half price for a referral - maybe to both the referee and the referrer.
In some cases you may even be able to leave a sign on a clients garden etc.
and so on.
Step 6: Decide on your best method of advertising.
Once you decide how to market campaign, you will need to get the advertising materials prepared, so you can get them out working for you.
Naturally advertising can be expensive so you need to do some research to seek the most cost effective method.
Using the lawn mowing example,an ad in the paper may cost $150 but you may be able to get 1000 flyers made for $20, and then pay a student to deliver them all for another $20.
Depending on your strike rate you will adopt one or the other.
Have a look at what others are doing and seems work.
You could even call your competition, tell them your a student(which you are), and ask them some questions about what advertising works! Step 7: Start up your business.
Get started.
Even if everything is not 100%, put your selling cap on and "walk the talk".
Its an amazing feeling just to do this.
Remember to keep your chin up at all times.
You will get some knocks and you must look beyond these.
Reward yourself for little achievements - first sale, first week in business, first $1000 profit.
This is important.
And remember..
You are now in Business! So there is a 7 step program to launch your teenage business.
It does not cover everything but that's the nature of business anyway.
You will find there are lots of items which require your attention on a regular basis, and once you have experienced you first exposure to each you can learn to deal with them in your own unique way.
Be sure to have fun, and lap up the experience that business brings you.
And make millions!
And how does a teenager with school, chores, weekend sport, and friends demanding time, do this? In many cases its quite simple and particularly if the a teenager chooses to work with something they are passionate about, but if hey are just looking to set up business for business sake they can also follow a simple 7 step method.
Now there are some details that need to tidied before anyone starts into any business.
It is important to invoke some control into some of your activities of questionable value.
The intention here is not to cease these activities, but to have some control so that they are a lesser priority than your business, and more importantly the things you need to do in your business.
So here is a list of 7 items which should be included into your routine.
1- Keep TV to a minimum, or cut out completely.
You could have one night for DVD's and maybe another night for 2 of your favorite programmes.
You decide what works for you.
2-Keep telephone time to minimum.
Including texting and emailing.
Schedule a time when you will read emails and tell friends when you are available for communication.
Naturally have some flexibility so you do not lose your friends.
3-If you are not working on your business go to bed early or earlier.
4-Wake up earlier.
You are far more productive in the morning and imagine what you can achieve between 5.
30 and 8.
5-Set up a weekly plan.
Break this in to days.
Follow religiously and tweak at the end of every week.
6- Prioritize.
Learn to do important things first - not urgent things.
Urgent things are often not important and add no value to your business.
With these you can..
If you can offload chores do so, and offload your unimportant urgent things.
Even if it costs you $5.
after all whats your time worth? Now that we have cleared those items, I can not stress how important they all are.
It is crucial that you set up the discipline necessary to ensure your ongoing success, and following these 7 items will help considerably.
Next are the 7 key steps to getting your business started.
Believe it or not this could be a 7 DAY plan, but thats up to you.
Follow these steps and you will have a business started in a very short space of time.
Step1: Work out what your passion is, or what might interest you.
If you start with your passion then you will be making the best decision you could ever make.
Many people have become extremely successful and naturally wealthy just by following their passion.
However if you have a problem working out what this is pick something you may be interested in as a business topic.
Talk it over with parents and get there input on how they see it working.
And I also recommend you talk to an "open minded" business person to get an independent opinion.
Step 2 Set up financial and business necessities.
Prepare your finances and set up bank accounts for your business.
You may even wish to talk to the bank manager and let him/her know what you are doing.
Also talk to an accountant (your parents may have one).
If you commit to one chances are they will have some software to help you track income and expenses - at no cost to you.
Set up your accounting system so that you are not messing with this down the track.
Decide on a company name and register your company.
There are different laws regarding this in different countries, but in most cases you will need to do this to set up you tax accounts.
You will also need to have this sorted for your marketing.
Some laws require your company number or your tax number to appear on marketing.
Step 3: Choose your key topic, product, or niche Have a look at your market and find a product or niche that the market is clearly looking for.
Once you have done this find and confirm a way that you can easily reach that market.
Again if you pick something you are really passionate about, it will make the whole task a lot easier and a lot more fun.
Spend some time doing some creative thinking.
Try to come up with 3 or 4 products or variations of the theme.
This increases the chances of coming to market with the right product.
Get together with friends to help brainstorm.
Step 4: Design your unique selling point.
Its important to distinguish your product from the competition and offer something truly desired by the customers, and by creating your unique offering, you can stand out from the crowd with your business.
Do some research on your typical customer, and determine what their needs and wants are.
If you can, find a way to interview some.
This way you can get a good understanding of their needs and tailor your offer to them.
I promise you your competition is unlikely to have interviewed any body.
It will make your product the best out of all products available.
Step 5: Set up your marketing campaign Determine how you will bring your product to your customer.
Your aim is to make your product visible to your market so that they know its there, and that they know why your product is different from the others.
Marketing consists of a number of elements and may include advertising (next step), product formulation, free offering, how to get the next sale after the first one, how to spread to other potential customers.
As an example you may set up a lawn mowing round.
You unique service is a free trimming along footpaths, and a guarantee of service quality.
You also offer half price for a referral - maybe to both the referee and the referrer.
In some cases you may even be able to leave a sign on a clients garden etc.
and so on.
Step 6: Decide on your best method of advertising.
Once you decide how to market campaign, you will need to get the advertising materials prepared, so you can get them out working for you.
Naturally advertising can be expensive so you need to do some research to seek the most cost effective method.
Using the lawn mowing example,an ad in the paper may cost $150 but you may be able to get 1000 flyers made for $20, and then pay a student to deliver them all for another $20.
Depending on your strike rate you will adopt one or the other.
Have a look at what others are doing and seems work.
You could even call your competition, tell them your a student(which you are), and ask them some questions about what advertising works! Step 7: Start up your business.
Get started.
Even if everything is not 100%, put your selling cap on and "walk the talk".
Its an amazing feeling just to do this.
Remember to keep your chin up at all times.
You will get some knocks and you must look beyond these.
Reward yourself for little achievements - first sale, first week in business, first $1000 profit.
This is important.
And remember..
You are now in Business! So there is a 7 step program to launch your teenage business.
It does not cover everything but that's the nature of business anyway.
You will find there are lots of items which require your attention on a regular basis, and once you have experienced you first exposure to each you can learn to deal with them in your own unique way.
Be sure to have fun, and lap up the experience that business brings you.
And make millions!