Wherever you happen to be in the world you are sure to see some components for European traditions. There is almost certainly no other continent that has this type of total representation around the world compared to Europe. The reason for this goes back to the age of colonialism, which started in earnest about 1500 A.D. and virtually ran its course with the 20th century. This impact reached almost every corner of the world and still marks societies all over.
Since the period of the Roman Empire over 2000 years back Europe has long been the base for most of the truly great empires in history. The British Empire was to become the greatest empire on earth, even though it got a little later start in colonialism when compared with Spain and Portugal. The British Empire in its peak included in excess of 36,000,000 kilometers with a human population of between 480 and 570 million individuals. That encompassed an incredible quarter of the Earth's face.
Just how does a rather small island country rule above a really extensive piece of the earth? There are probably a number of for this, but at the top of the list would be the superior naval power during a period when technology was making it simpler to get around the earth's oceans. It allowed the British Empire to convey military might rapidly to any or all areas of the globe.
Another factor to consider was the British skill to govern. Throughout their vast international holdings there wasn't one common method the British Empire reigned over each of the individual colonies. They essentially looked at the situation and implemented an administrative style to that situation. Of course over those many years of general rule there was clearly glitches, like their mishandling of the American colonies, which ended in their loss. Yet for the most part the mix of military might and administrative acumen kept the British Empire going until colonialism became something in history.
There used to be other prominent empires which had been headquartered in Europe, such as the Spanish, Portuguese, and French Empires. Every one has placed their mark on cultures all over the world, and most are seen by the languages of those international locations. Generally the country's first or second language represents that colonial power that reigned over it. However the English language is known to be the world's major language, and for that we could say thank you to the British Empire as well as the time it ruled over a lot of our planet.
Since the period of the Roman Empire over 2000 years back Europe has long been the base for most of the truly great empires in history. The British Empire was to become the greatest empire on earth, even though it got a little later start in colonialism when compared with Spain and Portugal. The British Empire in its peak included in excess of 36,000,000 kilometers with a human population of between 480 and 570 million individuals. That encompassed an incredible quarter of the Earth's face.
Just how does a rather small island country rule above a really extensive piece of the earth? There are probably a number of for this, but at the top of the list would be the superior naval power during a period when technology was making it simpler to get around the earth's oceans. It allowed the British Empire to convey military might rapidly to any or all areas of the globe.
Another factor to consider was the British skill to govern. Throughout their vast international holdings there wasn't one common method the British Empire reigned over each of the individual colonies. They essentially looked at the situation and implemented an administrative style to that situation. Of course over those many years of general rule there was clearly glitches, like their mishandling of the American colonies, which ended in their loss. Yet for the most part the mix of military might and administrative acumen kept the British Empire going until colonialism became something in history.
There used to be other prominent empires which had been headquartered in Europe, such as the Spanish, Portuguese, and French Empires. Every one has placed their mark on cultures all over the world, and most are seen by the languages of those international locations. Generally the country's first or second language represents that colonial power that reigned over it. However the English language is known to be the world's major language, and for that we could say thank you to the British Empire as well as the time it ruled over a lot of our planet.