Health & Medical Mental Health

10 Main Causes of Stress

    • Stress can manifest itself in many ways, depending on the person and depending on the severity of the situation at hand. Warning signs of stress can be physical, emotional, mental, occupational, social and even spiritual. Knowing the key causes of stress may help you ward off some of the effects and stay healthier---physically and emotionally.

    List of Stressors

    • Causes of stress are generally categorized as either internal or external. Internal causes may include personality patterns, unrealistic expectations, genetic factors and thinking and behavioral patterns. External causes are situations or influences from outside, like difficult work environments, interpersonal conflicts, social changes and financial pressures.

      Many factors can create stress and bring about physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms. Knowing some of the most common triggers may help you avoid the negative emotional and physical responses that can result:
      Financial concerns and responsibilities
      Health-related issues
      Employment issues and/or job stress
      Computer usage
      Over-scheduled calendar
      Rapid change (technological, personal or social)
      Interpersonal conflicts

    Holiday Stress---A Stress All Its Own

    • Holidays themselves don't trigger stress; they intensify stress that already exists. In an attitudinal study conducted by Mental Health America, holiday stress is attributed to financial issues, overextended schedules, time with family, over-indulgence, being alone and memories (of family and friends who have passed away or who are no longer part of our lives).

      Parents and women in particular are especially prone to holiday stress because they may take on more responsibilities and expenses.

    Unexpected Stressors

    • Some sources of stress make sense, and their emotional impact makes sense. Job loss, for example, can create stress for the former employee, as well as for the employee's spouse. According to "Men's Health" magazine, however, avoiding a layoff can also bring on stress. An averted layoff may underscore the employee's vulnerability and make him question why he missed the latest round of cuts while others didn't. The uncertainty of holding onto a job while those around him didn't stirs anxiety.

      Pregnancy is also a stressor, but not only for the expectant mom. First-time fathers may experience stress about the planning and the new and growing responsibilities to his wife and to the child.

      Computer usage, while a regular part of the average day, can bring on stress. While working, or even spending leisure time, at the computer, physical stress mounts. The heart rate rises, and muscles flex and tighten. To prevent computer-related stress, take frequent breaks to relax your body.

      And finally, driving can raise a person's stress level, especially during and after a commute.

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