A simple email reminding Emotional Intelligence training program participants to practice and apply the techniques they learn can prove to be quite powerful. Below, are several paraphrased statements from participants who received weekly email reminders as reinforcement to use the tools and techniques they learned during an Emotional Intelligence training program:
Examples of Feedback
Most Meaningful
Taking the time to attend a training program often results in going back to the office to face an overwhelming workload. Pressed for time, people often find it difficult to remember to integrate the tools and techniques they learned during their normal work day. Additionally, it's typical for people to attend a program alone, without a co-worker or team member. In this instance there is no one to share experiences or discuss benefits, making it difficult to clearly see the value of the program. The time demands along with lack of support from a co-worker or team member makes it difficult for a person to remember to practice the techniques they learned. These obstacles may prevent the individual from fully realizing their potential for skill development and benefits of developing those skills.
It's not unusual to receive an email from participants recognizing how the email reminders have helped in developing their skills. Sometimes this feedback may come years later. Needless to say, the value of these simple reminders far outweigh the effort to send them.
More Opportunity for Reinforcing Skill Development
Setting up a Peer Coaching arrangement is another reinforcement approach that can be helpful. Peer Coaches are pairs of participants who schedule regular times to discuss application of the techniques they learned. They celebrate success, troubleshoot challenges and encourage one another.
When you find yourself in a training program and want to fully realize the benefits of the tools or techniques you learn, try to partner with a co-participant. Schedule specific times over the next several weeks to meet by phone or in person. Set up specific goals such as the number of times per day you might apply a technique. And when sharing results, always remember to ask what would have happened had you not applied the technique. This simple question often helps reveal how powerful use of the techniques can be.
Examples of Feedback
- "It's amazing how it's helped me with a problem that just popped up today."
- "I appreciate the reminders. Thanks so much for sending them."
- "How did you know that I needed this reminder today?"
- "During this past year I've undergone a number of painful transitions. These reminders have been very helpful."
- "We're working better as a team."
- "My work can be frustrating, stressful and overwhelming. You're weekly reminders and inspiring quotes have been helpful in reminding me that I can de-stress at any moment."
Most Meaningful
- "Thank you for entering my life."
- "You've changed my life."
- "Every time I'm down, your messages give me hope."
Taking the time to attend a training program often results in going back to the office to face an overwhelming workload. Pressed for time, people often find it difficult to remember to integrate the tools and techniques they learned during their normal work day. Additionally, it's typical for people to attend a program alone, without a co-worker or team member. In this instance there is no one to share experiences or discuss benefits, making it difficult to clearly see the value of the program. The time demands along with lack of support from a co-worker or team member makes it difficult for a person to remember to practice the techniques they learned. These obstacles may prevent the individual from fully realizing their potential for skill development and benefits of developing those skills.
It's not unusual to receive an email from participants recognizing how the email reminders have helped in developing their skills. Sometimes this feedback may come years later. Needless to say, the value of these simple reminders far outweigh the effort to send them.
More Opportunity for Reinforcing Skill Development
Setting up a Peer Coaching arrangement is another reinforcement approach that can be helpful. Peer Coaches are pairs of participants who schedule regular times to discuss application of the techniques they learned. They celebrate success, troubleshoot challenges and encourage one another.
When you find yourself in a training program and want to fully realize the benefits of the tools or techniques you learn, try to partner with a co-participant. Schedule specific times over the next several weeks to meet by phone or in person. Set up specific goals such as the number of times per day you might apply a technique. And when sharing results, always remember to ask what would have happened had you not applied the technique. This simple question often helps reveal how powerful use of the techniques can be.